Death is one of life's few unavoidable realities. We will all die, regardless of our religion, ethnicity, social standing, or age. While death is universally acknowledged, the subject of what happens after death has been a source of disagreement throughout history.
According to Islam, one's life on earth does not end; rather, it is followed by an endless life in the afterlife. This article illustrates how this concept affects our everyday lives while also providing hope for healing in a perfect world where God's ultimate justice will triumph.
Despite the fact that death is unavoidable, we become so preoccupied with living that we forget about it. Our daily routines, the comfort of our homes, and our relationships keep us so occupied that we have little time to reflect on how transitory life is.
Then, when a loved one is diagnosed with a severe sickness or we suffer a devastating loss, we are forced to confront the truth of our existence. We are startled by the frailty of life, which causes us to reconsider our priorities and rethink our lifestyles.
When faced with a disaster, Muslims believe that one should respond, "To God, we belong, and to Him, we shall return" (Quran 2:156). When someone dies, this invocation is also recited. It puts the meaning of our existence into perspective by reminding us of our origin and ultimate destiny.
The Quran, God's divinely revealed word to all humanity, asserts unequivocally that humankind was created to worship Him. Because worship in Islam is a broad notion that encompasses both specific rituals and general behaviours that promote good, it encourages individuals to be God-conscious in all aspects of their lives.
When Muslims die, they believe they will return to God (Allah in Arabic). As a result, rather than being the end, death becomes a component of a continuum that extends into eternity.
So, according to Allah, how many days until the world ends?
Well, nobody knows the actual date that the world is going to end, but there are many signs that show the world is coming to an end. 72 of them to be exact.
Muslims believe that life on Earth will come to an end on a day determined by Allah and known only to Allah and that Allah will destroy everything. All creatures who have ever lived will be revived from the dead on this day, and Allah will judge them. Muslims believe that they will be buried till the end of time. This day is known by a variety of names:
the Day of Resurrection (Yawm al-Qiyamah)
the Day of Judgement (Yawm al-Din)
the Last Hour (as-sa’a)
Allah will balance the good deeds a person has done in their life against the bad deeds.
One of the six fundamental principles that all Muslims must hold is that there is life after death. In Islam, Allah determines when a person dies, and most Muslims believe that once they die, they will remain in their tombs until the Day of Judgement or Yawm al-Din. They shall be revived from their graves on that day and brought before Allah to be assessed on how they spent their lives on earth. The resurrection of the body is the name given to this idea. Those who have done more good than evil deeds will be admitted to Janna or Paradise. Janna is a 'garden of everlasting bliss' and a 'haven of serenity,' according to legend. There will be no sickness, pain, or sadness in Janna.
Those who have done more evil than good will be sent to Jahannam or Hell. This is a place where people suffer physically and spiritually. Because Muslims believe Allah is kind, compassionate, and forgiving, they believe that not all negative actions will be punished. Allah would pardon people who have confessed their sins and done some good in their life, such as demonstrating kindness to others. However, some Muslims think that certain sins are unforgivable. The sin of shirk is one of them.
In order to live per the wishes of Allah and earn a reward in Heaven, Muslims will endeavour to undertake the five basic duties of Islam known as the Five Pillars of Islam. Many Muslims believe that their good efforts will be rewarded in the afterlife, even if the rewards are not immediately apparent.
Humility, forgiveness, honesty, and kindness are also valued by Muslims. They think Allah is both merciful and kind, and that he expects his followers to act similarly. Being a Muslim is more than just praying and performing rituals; it also entails being kind to others and leading a good life.