Proactively transforming business with t...
SoftwareMill is a development and consulting company established in 2009.\n\nWe specialize in Scala, Kafka, Akka, and Cassandra and help clients scale...
Platforma e-learningowa - inwestuj w roz...
Współczesny biznes wymaga stałego rozwoju. Zadbaj o edukację swoich pracowników i klientów, wybierając platformę e-learningową. To inwestycja w przysz...
Low-code platform
Logito stands out as a state-of-the-art low-code platform developed continuously for nearly two decades, supporting various aspects of organizational ...
IT Systems, B2B Systems, WMS Systems, Bu...
Are you looking for a cutting-edge system to elevate your business operations? Asiston, a dynamic IT organization revolutionizing the industry since 2...