Product Inspection Company, Production I...
HKQCC provides Quality Inspection and Audit Services in Asia experienced in inspecting a wide categories of consumer products e.g. garments, premiums,...
Commercial Loans, Personal Loans, Busine...
You have the opportunity to secure a $5,000 and $100 million loan With Magma Finance, you may be able to qualify for a personal loan and have it depos...
Oxford Worldwide
Humble beginnings become thriving opportunities only with hard work’, is what our CEO believes. Oxford Worldwide Trading is not just a company but yea...
Augmented Reality Platform
MatriX AR Hub is an advanced collaboration tool to create, host and delivery AR models. Suitable for small, medium and large eRetailers to create AR m...
Pet Relocation and Veterinary Specialist
Hong Kong's only premium pet relocation company. Owned and operated by a Veterinary Surgeon. For pets on the move and the families that love them, Dr ...
Plumbing Services Hongkong
Our craftspeople are available to accomplish any task or repair, as stated in our jobs list below, if you require Handyman Galaxies plumbing services ...
Cheap handyman services hong kong
Handyman Galaxy provide home repair services in Hong Kong. Handyman Galaxy known as best handyman because we provide quality work to our clients. We p...
Foster Connectivity that Enables Our Com...
Listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, CTF Services Limited (Hong Kong Stock Code: 659) is a conglomerate with a diversified portfolio of ...