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April 27, 2021
How To Attract More Students To Your Institute?

Encourage mature students to join

A lot of mature students are nervous about joining university, so it is a good idea to appeal to them if you are looking for different ways to branch out and to reach more students.

For mature students, you need to appeal to them and let them know that there is no reason why this cannot be the best thing you have ever done for yourself.

With that being said, let’s take a look at some of the content you can offer on how to achieve mature-age student success.

Think about your own comforts first and foremost - For a lot of mature students, the thought of going to university and being surprised by lots of young people seems like a breath of fresh air.

For others, it fills them with dread and they cannot think of anything worse. If you fall into the latter category, you may prefer to take the likes of doing a Master in Education online.

However, if you are someone that wants to have that interaction with other people, going to Institute physically is the best solution for you. Remember, there is no right or wrong - it is all about what works for you!

Time management is critical – As a mature-age student, it is likely that you already have a number of different commitments, which is why time management is of paramount importance.

For young students, more often than note, studying is the only thing they have to worry about. However, if you have children and other commitments, you are going to need to create an expert schedule so that you can manage your time properly.

Make sure you do not expect too much of yourself – The next tip for any mature age student is to make sure that you do not set the bar too high. It is important to remember that you have not been to school for many years now.

You probably haven’t taken exams or done anything like this for ages either. Therefore, make sure you do not expect too much of yourself. You need to give yourself some time to adjust properly.

Make sure you master the art of organisation – Finally, get yourself organised before you embark on the course. This involves reading the assessment guidelines and exploring the academic style guide. You should also make sure you get all of the books and equipment needed, as well as taking a tour of your nearby library. enests banner.png

All in all, there is no denying that going back to study as a mature-age student can be an exciting yet anxious-filled experience. Nevertheless, if you use the advice that has been provided, you can give yourself a great chance of making sure everything goes as you plan it to.

Help With Moving Into Halls

If you are getting ready to go to university, you are probably feeling incredibly excited. Most people say that university is the best time of their lives. However, there is no denying that it is a period with a lot of change too.

After all, you are likely to be living on your own for the very first time. Plus, the set-up of student accommodation will be different from anything that you are used to.

Pack light – There is only one place to begin, and this is with packing light. Overpacking is undoubtedly one of the biggest mistakes that freshers make when going to university. If you don’t want to leave stuff at home, you could always look into the option of storing it locally.

Don’t underestimate the small amount of space you are going to have available to you in your student halls. You will have a bedroom and a small en-suite, and everything else will be communal.

You will probably only end up with one shelf in the fridge and one cupboard in the kitchen, so don’t bring all of your fancy cooking equipment! Not only this, but you are only going to collect more and more things as your time at university progresses, so you need to keep this in mind too.

Try to touch base with your future flatmates – Thanks to the Internet; it is easier to find people than ever before. This is especially the case when a lot of universities have set up Facebook groups and such like so that people can connect with one and other.

It is a good idea to do a bit of digging online to see if you can chat with a few people beforehand. It is not a necessity, but it will make you feel a bit more comfortable about the whole process. Plus, you can decide who is going to bring what in terms of pots, pans, and all of those other things whereby you really don’t need one per person.

Organise your bills – Last but not least, you need to understand what bills you are going to need to pay and what bills are going to be covered by your contract. When it comes to halls, you will find that electricity, gas, and Internet are usually provided, although, you should double-check to make sure.

This does not mean that you don’t have any bills to pay, though, as you will need to pay for a TV license. You may also be responsible for council tax and other bills too, so the best thing to do is find out beforehand.

As you can see, there is a lot to take into account when moving into student halls. While this experience is going to be different from the norm, it is one you are bound to thoroughly enjoy. However, it is always a good idea to know what to expect so that you can be ready.

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