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How Much Does A Graphic Designer Earn In Canada
October 18, 2021
How Much Does A Graphic Designer Earn In Canada?

In Canada, Graphic Designers usually make 75,800 CAD annually. Average salaries range from 34,800 Canadian dollars (lowest) to 120,000 Canadian dollars (highest).

In addition to housing, transportation, and other benefits, this is the average salary per year. The salaries of Graphic Designers vary greatly depending on their experience, skills, gender, and location. Below is a breakdown of Graphic Designer salaries based on several factors.

Average Salary Range

Salary ranges for Graphic Designers in Canada range from 34,800 CAD per year (minimum salary) to 120,000 CAD per year (maximum salary).

Median Salary

Graphic Designer(s) make an average salary of 81,800 CAD a year, which means half of them earn less than that amount and the other half earn more than that amount. 81,800 CAD is the median salary. The best place to be relative to the median salary is on the right half of the graph.


A value near the median is the 25th percentile. And a value near the 75th percentile is the 75th percentile. Salary distribution diagram shows that 25% of Graphic Designers earn under 52,500 CAD while 75% earn over 52,500 CAD. In addition, 25% of Graphic Designers earn more than 109,000 CAD while 75% earn less. enests banner.png How Does The Median Salary Differ From The Average Salary?

Each is an indicator. It is a very good sign if your salary is above the average and above the median. You may earn more than both because there are many people earning more than you. In the case of a wage that is between the average and the median, things can get a bit complicated. Check out our article to learn all about the different scenarios. What's your salary?

What Difference Does Experience Make?

In determining a salary, experience level is the most important factor. You will earn more if you have more experience. In just two years, a Graphic Designer can earn approximately 39,600 Canadian dollars. Compared to those with less than two years' experience, someone with between two and five years' experience can earn 52,800 CAD per year, or 34% more.A salary of 78,100 CAD per year is earned by someone with between five and ten years of experience, 48% more than someone with between two and five years of experience.

Moreover, Graphic Designers with 10 to 15 years of experience earn 95,200 Canadian dollars annually, 22% more than someone with five to ten years of experience. Between 15 and 20 years of experience, the expected wage is 104,000 Canadian dollars per year, 9% more than someone with 10 to 15 years of experience. The average salary for employees with over twenty years of professional experience is 112,000 Canadian dollars per year, which is 8% more than that for people with 15 to 20 years of experience.

Speaking to a graphic design agency can help you to use your experience in the best places and meet your earning potential.

Graphic Designer VS Other Jobs

Advertising / Graphic Design / Events Salary Comparisons in Canada. In general, Graphic Designers are paid 33% less than Advertising, Graphic Design, or Events professionals. Additionally, the salaries of Advertising, Graphic Design, and Events are 6% less than all other jobs.

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