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This section of the Management Plan will describe the main business management categories relevant to your business, identify who's going to have responsibility for each category, and profile that person's skills.\nThe basic business categories of Sales, Marketing, Administration, and Production work for many small businesses. If your business has employees you will need Human Resources as well. You may also find that your company needs additional management categories such as Research and Development.\nIt is not necessary to have a different person in charge of each business management category you decide to use in your company; some key management people may fill more than one role. Identify the key management people in your business and explain what functions each team member will fill.\nThis is your management team outline. You may wish to present this as an organizational chart in your business plan, although list format is fine.\nAlong with this outline, the management plan will include complete resumés of each member of your management team (including you) and an explanation of how each person's skills will contribute to your new business's success.\nFollow this with an explanation of how your management team will be compensated. What salary and benefits will management team members have? Describe any profit-sharing plans that may apply.\nIf there are any contracts that relate directly to your management team members, such as work contracts or non-competition agreements, you should include them in an Appendix to your business plan.
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